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Canadian Registered Education Savings Plan

With Registered Education Savings Plan, Give Your Child a Head Start

Registered education savings plan (RESP) is a great investment opportunity which enables you to save for the post-secondary education of your children. The invested/accumulated funds can be used to pay tuition fees and other financial barriers of post-secondary education including residence, school supplies, food, and travel.

It is a tax-sheltered savings plan that can help parents and families save for higher education expenses in Canada. With the RESP investment options, parents can start saving early for their children’s education and have access to a range of investments to choose from. The RESP Canadian education savings plan provides tax advantages such as government grants, income splitting opportunities, and the ability to grow investments tax free until withdrawals are made.

Benefits of Registered Education Savings Plan

The funds invested in RESP, grows in a tax-sheltered manner until the time you withdraw the money to cover educational expenses.

Bawa Financials serves you and provides you excellent services. You must be aware of what each form of insurance covers and how it functions in order to make the best decision. Consider the benefits before making a choice.